Season 2010-2011 Event

The Kevin Barry Irish Club
presents The Clancy Legacy
Very few families have impacted Irish music as much as the Clancy Brothers. From that wonderful group of Irish sweater clad troubadours has sprung a generation of musicians who are keeping the music alive. When you read the member lists of the top Irish groups playing out today there is a Clancy or has been a Clancy in the lineup. From Cherish the Ladies to Danu to the Eileen Ivers Band to Green Fields of America there is a Clancy cousin or two.
Aoife Clancy, the daughter of Bobby Clancy and her cousin Robbie O’Connell, who was part of the last tours of the “Brothers”, represent part of the next generation of the Clancy family. They both are carrying on the music in their own careers but come together as the Clancy Legacy for special concerts, limited tours and Festivals to sing old and new songs as their family always has whether at home in Ireland or at Carnegie Hall.
For more information visit the official Kevin Barry Irish Club website.
The presentation described on this page is a UPAC rental. If you would like information about renting UPAC please click: Rental Information.
Date & Time
Saturday, October 09 2010 at 7:00 pm