This was a streaming event
Envision Kingston
Streaming on YouTube
Throughout these strange times, the Bardavon and UPAC have been touching base online with our patrons to check in on them, let them know we are still here, and to assure them that even while both of our theaters’ doors are closed our ghost lights remain lit on stage reminding all of us that the light is never truly gone.
To let the people of Kingston and beyond know how much we are missing them, we have created a community wide online celebration of Kingston’s arts and culture, dedicated to awakening our human potential and to inspiring one another to greater heights through collaborative performances, art, music, dance and community. While we struggle to maintain connections during this time, we’re asked our ever creative, ever resilient arts community to come together to celebrate Kingston and reconnect online until we can gather together again on the other side of this pandemic.
“Envision Kingston” barely scratches the surface of the dozens of artists and community based arts and cultural organizations in the City of Kingston. Enjoy!
Date & Time
Saturday, January 02 2021
7:00 pm
Streaming on YouTube
View Stream
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Please be advised that there is no elevator at either of our theaters.